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Volassa Raptor 

Artist Statement


Loving to paint abstract art, gives me the freedom to create with a style uniquely my own. The title of the paintings are my interpretation but the beauty of abstract art is the same image allows the viewer to interpret it with their own imagination making it personal.

The technique's I've developed over the years is a process in stages, thoughts moods, feelings and emotions are expressed through the paintings. The words "give up" and "quit" are not in my vocabulary. Being self-taught through a long process of trial and error has been a rewarding experience. I  was  1st Place out of12 artists that were. entered into Solo Artist series #10 (2019).The tought came to me as I created this painting out of laundry bags.

Art Recognition

Welcome to my art recognition folder. Here, you can view the artwork that I have won competitions for and have been recognized for. I hope you enjoy browsing through my collection

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